Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Five- What I'm Thankful for

I've not been blogging this week due to this week being NUTSO.  Also, my heart has been heavy w/ the loss of a friend and some other things I will share in a later post.  I have been pondering all the things that make me thankful...and I could go on and on with this list...and maybe I will add some each day until Thanksgiving day.  So here are five of the things I'm thankful for, in no particular order. 

1. My Hubs-  I'm thankful for a best friend who loves me inside and out, with the good, bad, and ugly.  He has helped me to grow and change in so many ways.  He puts up w/ all of my weird quirks, my silly made up songs that I sing at the top of my lungs at random times, my love for bad (and awesome) tv, my love of cheese and Ricky Martin.  He knows when to offer an ear, hug, or go the extra mile.  His relationship and love for Christ is awe-inspiring and drew me to him in college.  He is a kind, funny, loving, hottie hubs and he is going to make a fantastic father one day.

2. My family- I have been blessed w/ a great, wonderful, large, wild, yours,mine and ours family.  God blessed me w/ a wonderful Mom and Dad and a special Mama Deb too.  I was blessed w/ half and step brothers and sisters who I love dearly.  My aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas, and cousins have all been a special part of my life.  If that wasn't enough, I was blessed w/ the BEST in-law family.  My extra mom, dad, sisters, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins and always welcomed and loved on me from day 1. I seriously love EVERY single member of my family!! I do have to say the nieces and nephews have been the best icing on the cake!!
                                                         My Dad and Mama Deb
                                                        Drew's folks visiting us in NYC
My sis and Mom
Drew's siblings and spouses
3. My Faith-I am so thankful for a relationship with an Amazing Lord who continues to love me and teach me daily.  I am grateful that I can pray daily, as many times as I want, and I live in a place that my religious beliefs are not dictated by a government.  I am thankful when I feel down or low that there is always a peace that passes all understanding.  In times of death and unanswered questions...I am even more thankful for a relationship with my Savior that allows me comfort. I am thankful today for Grace and mercy!

4. My Furbabies-My annoying, meowing, loving, carpet scratching, cuddling furballs bring me so much happiness. They give me much joy and laughter.  I am thankful for these little cats and their distinctive personalities and quirks.  I am also thankful that they are rescue kitties...and we were able to give them a home.

These first and last pic is Harpo and the middle one is Artie.  Love her passed out look w/  her tongue hanging out.

5. My Job-I love teaching kiddos and the fact that I get to teach musical theatre, dance and acting gives me so much joy.  There are days that I want to pull my hair out and days when my heartstrings are tugged on so greatly.  I always love to be able to challenge the older kids and see them get it.  I love the looks on the 2 and 3 yr old faces when they get to put on a costume and be a princess or ballerina.  I am especially thankful that as I patiently wait for the day I can be a mommy, that I am surrounded w/ loving kiddos! 

1 comment:

  1. I love your photos ;) You don't need to change a thing. Happy Friday!
