Saturday, December 24, 2011

1940's Radio Hour

So, the hubs is performing in a show this month. In fact, he just left to do his Christmas Eve matinee performance.  The show is 1940's RADIO HOUR.  I LOVE this show! It's very near and dear to my heart. 

I first saw the show in 1996 at a summer stock theatre.  It was cute, sweet and a great picture of the 1940's, which is one of my favorite times! The music and the clothes were awesome in the 40's. I fell in love with the show then, little did I know I would do the show 4 times and Drew would do it 5. 

Our first foray into the show was Nov/Dec 2002. He played Wally, delivery boy, and I played Ginger, the ditzy blonde.   It was our first Christmas as a married couple and just a great experience. We did it a theater in Macon, GA and Drew's dad was actually in the ensemble with us.  Just a great, fun and special show. 

Fast forward to 2005. We were in Michigan working and Drew had been cast down in Atlanta at Theatre in the Square in the show as Wally for the 24th anniversary of the show. He left MI early and started rehearsals.  I came down to ATL once our show in MI was over.  Well the closer they got to opening it became apparent the chica in the role of Ginger was going through something and needed to be replaced.  So 24 hours before they opened they called me into the role.  I rehearsed on Saturday and Sunday and went on Sunday night.  We ran the show All of Nov and Dec.  It was a crazy, fun, beautiful experience.  We made some great friends and had a blast.  The Theatre asked us back the following year, 2006, for the 25th and final year. It again was a great experience and special to do the show again.

                                                                       Ginger 2006

The following year, 2007, another theater in ATL was doing the show and cast Drew as BJ and me as Connie.  They are the late teenagers on the radio show who are in love with each other.  He played an older role and I played a younger role.  It was fun to play opposite of each other, which doesn't happen a lot.  Not really my favorite version of the show, but it was a fun cast : ).
                                                                  Connie and BJ 2007

So here we are in 2011, back in Atlanta, and Theatre in the Square has revived the show for their 30th season.  And Drew is back as Wally, the 16 yr old delivery boy.  I had the opportunity to see him last Sunday.  I love watching my husband's one of those "makes me fall in love even more with him moments". He looks just as young as he did 5 years ago.  Love getting to see him perform and great to actually see the show again! If you ever get a chance to see this it! You won't be sorry.
                                                        Ginger and Ann 2007
                                                          Wally and Ann-2007

Thursday, December 22, 2011


December has totally kicked my bootie.  I'm so behind in my reading and writing.  Sorry guys!! Some of the reasons I've not been able to write.

1. Our home laptop hit a bad wall right after almost died and the hamsters inside were running REALLy slow.  It was torture to use it.

2. Dec is crazy at work.  Lots of final class performances, holiday camps and planning for next spring and Yes, summer camps.

3. The hubs has been in rehearsal for his Christmas show which opens this Sat...So excited to see him. Will post more on this soon. (it actually opened Dec 17)

4. I've been working on Christmas projects/presents...and it's sucking every minute of free time.  I'm kind of honestly tire of doing them, but very close to the end!

I actually started this post on Dec 14 and am just now finishing it.  I will post it and attempt to truly write again soon.  Hope everyone is having great Holidays!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday Five-Favorite Christmas Movies

This is seriously my favorite time of year.  And nothing says Christmas better then a CHRISTMAS movie.  I am seriously obsessed : ). One year I complained that there were  no good movies on tv that year...the next year for my birthday the hubs got me all Christmas movies :). It's  really hard to pick but here are of my faves.

1. White Christmas-Well, duh, of course a holiday musical is going to make my list.   I love all of the classic songs, the great story and the cast! I could watch this over and over again. "Sisters...Sisters...there were never such devoted sisters :)"

2. Muppets Christmas Carol- Classic story w/ a great cast.  Love me some muppets (which by the way you need to see the new movie...superb)! There are some silly songs in this too and the muppet banter always makes me laugh.

3.Home Alone-I know this makes me a big goob, but I love the original movie.  It has great Christmas music and a fun plot.  Drew and I also quote this one...I know, we are dorks!

4. Scrooged-A great mixed up version of A Christmas Carol from the 80s w/ Bill Murray.  Carol Kane as the ghost of Christmas Past is Hi-larious!

5. Elf-This is probably my favorite Christmas flick. Some of my favorite lines come from this and Drew and I quote them year round.  Will Ferrell is great as Buddy the Elf and Zoey Deschanel is great side kick. Love seeing NYC at Christmastime in this too.

Runner ups: Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas, Holiday Inn, Love Actually, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Miracle of 34th St (original), It's a Wonderful Life

Drew's Faves: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Gremlins(i don't count this one...but he