Sunday, November 7, 2010

birthday smirthday

So, a couple of weeks ago I had a birthday. I turned 32. For some reason it bothered me. I didn't care when I turned 30. The age thing has never really bothered me. But for some reason this birthday and I didn't agree. I started thinking about it because I wasn't quite sure what the deal was.

I narrowed it down to a couple of things. For some reason the no babies thing was really getting to me. I, of course, have had my life mapped out forever...but it never quite goes the way I think it will. God likes to keep me on my toes...and oh is He teaching me so much. 10 years ago I think I thought I'd have 2 kids by now. 5 years ago I thought I'd have 1 by now. Currently-no kids.

I also have been in a strange place with jobs for the last couple of years. It's been lots of this and that...but nothing solid. I've just had this "ughh" feeling about where I am in my life. And for some reason all of these things were weighing on me on my birthday. I normally LOVE to celebrate...but not this one.

I shared with Drew that I was feeling down and sheepishly explained why. He always seems to know what to say. He understood my feelings but also went on to list all of the cool and fun things about our life and the fact that we have gotten to live and go to so many interesting places. My life is the way it is for A REASON. He definitely lifted my spirits.

I am thankful for another year. I thankful for a wonderful husband. I am thankful for all of the many blessings and lessons God has given me. I will stay focused His Promises : )

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


So, Drew and I have been working on a show for the past month and we open this week. It's the musical HAIRSPRAY and we are both performing in it and I did the choreography. The original Broadway production opened on Broadway 2002 and the movie musical version came out in Summer of 2007. Most people know the show from the movie version and maybe even the broadway production. But I know the show from the original John Waters 1988 non-musical movie with Ricki Lake. This movie was a part of my childhood in a big way. I LOVED this movie and can quote most of it. I love the 60's, the dancing, the hair, make-up...etc. It's been really cool to be a part of this show and think back on how happy Hairspray makes me : ).

Monday, July 19, 2010


For the past two years I have been working an assortment of odd jobs. The latest is working at a dance school. I love it! I love working with children, teaching them, choreographing, working on shows...etc. I love the boys I nanny but it's so nice to be doing something in my field. I am looking forward to the fall and a schedule full of this! Thank you Lord for work!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

bloggity blog

I just finished a blog from last has an update and was supposed to post today...go back to august to see what I wrote...I don't understand you

Thursday, March 11, 2010

way overdue

So....I have had a blog waiting in my drafts for almost 6+ months now. I am so behind. I will try to update this very soon with the news of Drew and I. A tidbit of the last 9 months is that we moved in October to Charleston, SC. More info to follow soon!