Monday, October 3, 2011

Up to my ears

This is my life right now:
Paint samples, paint samples and guessed it more paint samples. I am kind of sick of looking at paint samples.  Yes, yes it's fun at first but then the colors all start to run together and you go back to the store and get more samples...but you get home and they are the same colors you picked last week.'s a vicious cycle that I can't get out of.  I do think we are VERY close to making some choices which is exciting.  I will show pics once we choose and paint.  One weird thing is we need to decide on is whether or not to repaint a couple of rooms or just do some touch-ups.  The Sherwin Williams guy said it might match but it's unlikely it will match if we do just the touch that's another decision we need to make. 

Decorating is fun, time consuming and and also exhausting.  We have always moved so much that we've never really had time to hang anything.  Knowing that we are going to be here for a while has prompted me to find more wall decor, pictures, paintings etc.  I've also been looking for some fall decor too. It's been fun searching stores for ideas.  I've gotten some great deals lately which is good b/c I am doing some interior design on a very small budget. Love me some Tar-jay! 

I got this cute little pumpkin from Target for $2.50.

I found this great pillow on clearance at Target for $6...Harpo the cat didn't come with it : ). But isn't he just adorable! It kind of looks like he's smiling.
The pillow Harpo is on (which by the way, is his new favorite napping spot) is an old/new addition from Pottery Barn and Ikea.  Let me explain why it's old and new. We used to have the pillows that came w. the couch and chair but the cats decided to show them some "love" in NYC (they hated it there).  So we threw those pillows out.  Oddly enough when we registered for our wedding we choose three green pillowcases from pottery barn.  We didn't buy our couch until 2005 and had long forgotten the pillowcases.  Well we got our couch and were unpacking some wedding things that had been in storage and found the PB pillowcases and they matched perfectly. But we haven't really had a need until recently so they've been living in a closest.  When we were recently in Ikea window shopping I noticed in the textiles area the pillow inserts.  I bought one and it fits our pillows perfectly.  Yay! Only took us 9 years to get those PB pillowcases out but aren't they cute : ).

Had to take a pic of the other cat, Artie, so she didn't get jealous!

Alright, my last little find is from Cost Plus World Market.  I spent some of today finding pics to go in it.  I love my find and I got $10 off with a handy, dandy coupon!

It's been fun seeking out stores to decorate.  I do wish I had some friends in town to go shopping w/ b/c my poor mother got so many text pictures of me trying to get opinions this past weekend.  The husband was filming a short film all weekend so I couldn't bother him.  Oh shopping buddies...where are you?

On another note, I'm sorry I didn't post a Friday Five last week. I had the time but I couldn't not think of ANYTHING to write about...just empty...or my brain was too focused and drained from paint samples and decorating.

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