Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Five-All about me

In honor of my birthday week I thought I would share 5 facts about moi.

1. Cheese-This is my favorite food ever.  If you know me well, this is not news to you.  I am told when I was a child they could get me to eat anything if they put blue cheese dressing on it...even spam...GUH-ROSSSSS! But I do love me some cheese-especially smoked cheese, gouda, brie, horseradish sharp, gorgonzola, goat...ok....I LOVE CHEESE. Do you know Wallace and Grommit? CHEEEESEEE...that's me : )
2. Open Heights-Scare the poop out of me.  I love being up high and seeing things but I do not like the free fall sensation.  I have been known to scoot down stadium stairs b/c there was no rail...and yes I was an adult at the time.  I guess it's a good thing I was not born a cat (they like to be really high up, I'm not just being random).
                                            View from Top of the Rock (not my pic)
3. Beverly Hills 90210-I have a very strange love for this show.  The original of course. In middle school I had a t-shirt, their make-up line (definitely had the cheap perfume, lipstick and nail polish) posters, books, their soundtrack, brandon and dylan dolls, a sleeping bad and pillow...sadly I think the list goes on.  I was a dork...well I still am but that's beside the point.  My BFF's, Maggie and Kate, (the twins-Maggie is my bud who lives in Charleston and Kate's my bud we visited in LA) and I used to watch it and Party of Five in College.  I think it was Wed nights and we would tape them, on one of those old school VCR's, while we were in rehearsal. We would come back to my dorm b/c I didn't have a roommate and we'd order pizza and watch trashy teen shows...of the days of being a college freshman.  Old episodes come on the soap channel and I have been known to have it on in our house. I drive my hubs nuts! Last little random 8th grade they decided to have club pictures while I was in gym.  So EVERY picture of me in the yearbook is in my 90210 t-shirt and snoopy boxer was HOT!

4. Chocolate- I don't like it. The thought of a hershey bar grosses me out.  Now, I will say the older I get the more I can appreciate some dark chocolate but it's very specifically the dark chocolate w. raspberry.  And I do like cookie dough, and fudge....but just plain milk chocolate, or a chocolate cake with icing...not my thing.  I am more of a pastry girl w/ cream cheese (surprise, surprise) or an apple, caramel desserty type thing.  My friends think I am nuts but just pass the caramel and PB and I am good while you enjoy your chocolate.


5. Reading-I love to read, always have!  Remember BOOK-IT as a kid...I used to rock that thing out.  I love to switch it up between a chick book, biography, Christian book, theatre book and then all over again.  I definitely don't get to read as much as I like.  Bookstores get me so excited. Have you ever been to Powell's in Portland, OR? They have a freaking map when you walk was heavenly! One positive of NYC was I was always had book time on the train. When we go to the beach, just give me a chair, sunscreen and a book and I am good. The hubs gets stir crazy and has to get in the water or do some activities...but I am all good. Speaking of....I need some good all 12 of you who follow...share ; ). My most recent read was a Patti Lupone biography (she's a big theatre chica).  Yes, I know I'm a dork.


  1. I looooove 90210!!! It's like my fav show...still. I even watched the first season again on Netflix. lol. Hapyp birthday! :)

  2. Yay...I'm not alone : ). Thanks for the bday love!
