Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday Thoughts

Here is what is going on in this ole brain of mine...scary, I know!
  • The hubs and I started watching Breaking Bad this week....WHOA...that show is pretty intense.  Interesting premise but way too much blood for me. I definitely end up closing my eyes a lot....ha!
  • I got some REALLY good grapefruit from the Dekalb Farmers Market last week. They are red, juicy, make me want to move to FL and I wish I'd bought more!  If you live in ATL go to this Farmers Market. It's a little to far for me to go regularly but it's the COOLEST place.  Veggie/Fruits/Spices/Meats/Cheese (the list goes on and on) from all over the world and VERY good prices. I highly recommend it but just so you know, you can't take pictures there....very interesting!
  • Please keep a friend of mine in Charleston in your prayers.  She lost her husband last week in a car accident.  Drew and I performed in several shows with them over the years.  He was a wonderful man and is going to be missed.  My heart aches for our friend in the loss of her husband. 
  • My hubs is in a show right now called My Way.  It's a Frank Sinatra revue and it only has 4 people in it.  Kind of cool b/c he gets to sing a lot.  I got to see his opening (makes up for missing his last show's opening) and I'm going again tonight with some of my closest ATL gal pals.  So excited to see him shine!
  • Lately, every time I see palm trees on a tv show or in a pic it makes me want to move to FL or Cali....Maybe I just need to plant some in my backyard. 
  • A family I used to babysit for moved to Seattle in Dec.  They gave us their house plants so they wouldn't have to move w/ them.  I was excited to grow our greenery in the house.  I think it was a BIG mistake for three reasons: 1. The cats keep eating and barfing them up, 2. The ficus tree has become a new litter box (thanks Artie and Harpo), and 3. The hubs thinks they are screwing up his allergies.  Well, POOP! I so liked having them. 
  • The weather in Atlanta has been SO bipolar lately. It's driving me NUTS. 
  • I saw New Year's Eve last weekend w/ my girl Denise.  It was a great chick flick movie. I was glad I saw it and now I want to see the Valentine's Day one...anyone see it?  Jane Fonda was going to HUGO at the same theater we were at.  She was right in front of me but I was so annoyed that she was SLOW that I wasn't even paying attention.  My friend pointed it out to me...I started laughing.  I told her how I was annoyed w/ the old lady who was dressed up like she was a movie star or something....HA...seriously! Explains a lot ; )
Hope you guys have a GREAT Friday!

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