Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Five-Best things about beach vacation

I LOVE vacation! I never get to chill and I am SO happy to be here.  Srry there are no pics to post but I am too relaxed to get up and grab the camera : ).

1. Family-I'm so blessed to have a great family on all sides.  We are at Hilton Head beach right now w/ my Hubs, his parents, my mom, his sister and her husband and 2 kiddos and our sister in law. It's awesome getting to spend some time together chilling.

2. Sleep-I've slept the past two mornings with no alarm waking me up. It doesn't matter that I woke up early but I was on my schedule.  It's so nice to sleep...I've needed it!

3. Food-On vacation calories don't count ; ).  You can eat and eat and eat...if you want! It's all about what makes you happy on vacay. Nevermind I'm in my bathing suit most of the time...I don't care : )

4. No schedule-I work a lot and over-schedule myself all of the time. It's so nice to be on my own schedule with no agenda.  Drew and I are getting to play on the beach, in the pool, board games, read, exercise(so far just him ), and enjoy our time together and with our fam.

5.  The Beach-I know I live by it but I don't get to go as often as I'd like.  The beach has always had a peaceful affect on me.  I find so much beauty in God's work.

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