Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Five-5 facts about the hubs

This week was our anniversary( June 15, 2002), I'm reminded of lots of great facts about my husband, Drew.  I haven't shared much about my here goes.

Drew is:

1.Well rounded-my husband is also an actor (who sings and dances too) so he definitely has a love for theatre but he has a super jock side too.  This was appealing back in the day b/c he had passions but they varied.  He's a HUGE Braves fan, Falcons fan, and University of GA football fan.  I don't really like football (yes, I was a cheerleader in HS, for football, but I just like being cheery and spirited...and dancing). But I do love some Braves baseball (can you tell we are from GA).  The games are very fun...and who doesn't love a good hot dog and beer or root beer ;).

2. A Thinker-Drew likes to take his time thinking about a good answer to questions I often bring up. I am impatient and want an answer then and NOW.  He likes to ponder, and ponder, and's not always a bad thing. He definitely puts a lot of thought into decisions...and to his actions...It definitely shows.  I love having a husband to thinks, prays and decides in his time.

3. Polite and Loving and has manners-On our first date he opened doors for me....HE OPENED DOORS FOR ME.  I had dated a lot of tools before Drew and was so surprised to date a guy who put my needs before his.  He knew how to court me and I was definitely wooed!  I also think Drew displays a HUGE amount of love for me and his family.  He puts his Fam before anything (except the big Dude upstairs...God you dorks)! He is a great display of a giving, loving and honorable guy.  He also has learned how to put up with me all of these years...that's a feat all by itself! HA!

4. A middle child-Drew has an older brother and a younger sister...and he is in the middle...and you can tell. He's grown out of a lot of those middle children tendencies...but you can still see it every once in a while. Let's just say he likes it to be fair...anyone else relate?

5. Is shorter than husband is shorter than I care? Not anymore...yep I will be honest, it did bother me a bit when we first started dating.  But I asked him it bothered him on our 2nd or 3rd date and he said "No, I kind of like that you are taller then me". I was so impressed with a guy so sure of himself and confident that I was totally into it too : ).  He doesn't even stop me from wearing heels...not that he could but you know what I mean!

1 comment:

  1. Confidence is a super attractive quality :) This list is so sweet. :) Thanks for linking up!
