Monday, March 30, 2009

Pop Star Party

One of my jobs in NY is doing entertainmen for children's parties. It can range from holidays, birthdays, Christenings etc. The children can be as young as 3months (you think I am lying). For the most part I really enjoy it.

This past weekend I did my first Hannah Montana party. Legally I am supposed to call her a "pop star party". It was my first one and I am not the usual HM. SO I had to get my costume together, learn some of her music and create a dance to teach little girls. I wasn't overly nervous until I spoke with the Mom who was pretty intense. It got me super nervous.

Well, it ended up being a GREAT party. The birthday girl was SOOOO happy. Her friends were happy too. Some of the funnier moments of the party were when I was teaching them the dance, the Birthday girl said something sweet to HM. I told her she was so sweet and I was going to cry. She asked if she could get me a tissue : ). Another moment was when the Birthday girl's Mom took pictures of me with each girl. As one girl was getting her pic taken, she asked the Mom if she could send the pic to her dad's blackberry....ha ha ha! These kids are TOOOO much for me : ). My other favorite moment was when I was doing facepainting some of the girls were playing in a bedroom. Well, one of them said I was a fake and the girls got in a fight. All the other girls defended me, one girl was crying...Moms were mad at the girl saying such cruel things : ). It was pretty funny!

Drew and I didn't get a good pic before I left the house but I will try again for the future.


  1. Haha! I really want a pic of you as Hannah Montana! Did you get to see a real girl fight? Lots of girl-on-girl action, huh?

  2. I didn't know you had a blog. I just added a link to my page, so I will be keeping up with you. Love the fact that they were arguing over if you were the real Hannah Montana or not. You must have done a really good job!
