Things I'm digging at the moment.
1. Pumpkin Spice Lattes- I mean seriously...anything Pumpkin excites me and that will be a whole new post sometime soon. These make me very happy...I've only had one so far this season...but we've only just begun.
2. Time w/ my husband-Normally one or both of us is in a show...I cherish these nights together. Even though we aren't really doing anything special...dinner, movies, board's all a treat~
3. Weekly dinner w/ my brother and sister in law-Now that we are in Atlanta we are 5 minutes away from my brother Dave and his wife Lynn. We've been doing a weekly trade off w/ dinners. One week they come to our place for a meal and the next week we are at their house. It's been nice to have time together to check in and hang out. Also, it's fun to have an evening off on the cooking!
4. My job- I love working with the little kiddos throughout the week. I am so thankful that I am doing the same thing in ATL. So blessed! They are cutie patooties. Here is a pic taken by Crescent Moon Photography:
5. Dish Network-This makes me feel like a BIG ole dork...but I am so happy we made the switch from Comcast cable to Dish Network. We are paying WAY less and getting SO much more. Who wouldn't like that?? Ok, so I'm going to really like my freak flag fly...I really love that I can also find Beverly Hills 90210 on a channel almost everyday of the week. I'm driving my husband nuts...but it's the little things!
LOOOOOOOOVe love love love love Pumpkin spice lattes!