My friends, I am almost 20 weeks pregnant and finally feeling good. I didn't want to blog for so long b/c all I wanted to blog about was finding out we were pregnant. And now that we've announced it, it has taken me so long to figure out what to share next. I promise I'm not going to turn this blog into just pregnancy talk...but let us all get real...that's what is on my brain. Eventually I will share how we got to where we are but what I want to talk about it the stuff that no one tells you. This might get a little tmi for stop now or forever hold your peace : ).
1. Nausea is NO BUENO-Having Twins is double the hormones-which means double the nausea as well as other things. I was feeling good until about week 7 and then the sickies hit. I was teaching summer camps and downing sprite and saltines like nobody's business. And this wasn't just morning sickness it was morning, noon and night. It was not fun. I talked to some friends who had twins and they said their sickness stuck around until about week 18-20. Mine started letting up about week 15/16 but really got better around week 17/18. I get a wave every now and then but NOTHING like it was. Praise the Lord.
2. Constipation stinks...hee hee hee-Yes, this hit me hard about week 10 and stayed only about a couple of weeks. I found the magic least for me. My dr said again, this was worse for me b/c of the double hormones...wowser. So my cure all is yogurt in the morning, an apple in the afternoon and and kefir right before I go to bed. And now life is a much happier place in my tum : ). What is Kefir you ask? Kefir is a fermented drink made from milk (cow, goat, coconut etc). You can buy it at most grocery stores but I get an organic coconut kefir from the farmer's market made by Ancient Awakenings. This is a local Atlanta company that has great products and a pretty cool story. Their cultured veggies are also fantastic. All the probiotics are really helping my tum and I would much rather eat those things than take drugs.
3. Are we in Middle school again?-My diet turned into an old school carb eating fest. It was like I was in middle school. I came home with pop tarts one day and my husband made SO much fun of me. For the record I only ate one pack of them. I drove around w/ a box of cheeze-its for like two weeks. I don't know what was up with me but getting veggies down was SO hard. Drew and I hadn't been eating a lot of grain pre-pregnancy. But that has definitely changed a bit as I now eat cereal again and bread. The good news is that it has since gotten much better and I can stomach veggies again! I will say I was not happy with the low veggie diet but I was also happy to not be there you go. It passed and I am eating better again now.
4. Trading in ailments-I think that when you are pregnant you trade symptoms in. Once I started feeling better nausea wise my ribs starting hurting and then my upper back. Who am I? An old meemaw? I hate complaining and also don't like feeling icky. But you know is SO worth it. FYI-my upper back is hurting b/c of my massive chest. Yes, people warned me but it still didn't properly prepare me. I will never complain about being small chested
5. Overwhelmed much-It can get overwhelming making choices and decisions for these little ones. Especially planning for two. Baby stores love to make you think you need EVERYTHING. But truth be told, you don't. And once I made a decision to not fall into the traps of these stores I felt much better : ). So do what is right for you and your family. If you want really expensive baby furniture get it...if you don't want it...don't get. And don't judge other mommies. They are doing what is best for them!
More to come on this Adventure I'm starting to call double trouble : )
My Mother’s House
4 years ago